I write because writing is not an amulet
I write so that earth will not cleave and swallow me
I write while the tree is rooting
I write in senility and in anticipation
I write because no one can prevent me writing
I write before getting blind
I write because I feel pity for clerks
I write in order to be closer or farther
I write so that I won’t give up hope
I write with them
I write because I like papers
I write because I loathe words
I write when the nights ends
I write so that I may get rid of the hell of wri ting
I write as I refuse myth and magic
I write so that I may possess all the words
I write as I am helpless before death
I write so that others will read me
I write so that I may hide words and create other words
I write hoping to leap into emptines s
I write as I want to find a solution for death
I write to the alive
I write as I am afraid
I write because I can not stop writing
I write so that I may love myself and others
I write and overlook the gap
I write and think
I write at all the musical times
I write in loneliness
I write the night
I write for writing
I write because writing is a dream
I write as writing is something of no avail
I write as I reject fate
I write as words oppress me
I write because I start to fear loneliness
I write because I am against rationalism
I write so that I may live
I write because I am most of the times silent
I write then I laugh so much
I write because I am alive
I write as writing the only reaction that makes me realize that I ‘m free
I write so that I may get rid of my being
I write so that I may not go insane
I write because I like words
I write because I am in hurry and I have no time
I write because I like books
I write against them
I write while I am in history
I write while I am jumping into the emptiness
I write against your will
I write after lifting the hawser
I write so that I may look for something which doesn’t exist
I write while I am threatened
I write as long as the war still goes on
I write so that I go astray
I write while words are escaping from me
I write because I am neither goods nor considered only shameful genitals
I write because I am in the maze
I write with black ink
I write, write so that I can ignite the fire
I write in the morning
I write under loss
I write till the sun rises
I write as writing is a reaction which is not ruled by necessity
I write as I am against all kinds of Authority
I write since writing is not sacred
I write along with death
I write the desire not its subject
I write after reading
I write my disagreement
I write so that I may play
I write because I’m deviant
I write and I do not want to defend the man as he is not weak
I write so that I may not be like her
I write so that I may not commit suicide
I write while all this space is before me
By Soulef Abbes
The Gateway To Modern Arabic Poetry
Translated by
Poet Munir Mezyed - Romania
Prof. Abdul-settar Abdul-Latif AI-Assady -Iraq
سلاف عباس
الكارافاجو و رؤوسه المقطوعة
( مخطوط)
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